
Are you looking for a metal supplier to meet your needs? How can you find the right metal supplier? There are several things to consider when searching for the right metal supplier. List of Needs First, make a list of products you think you’d need or want. 下一個, type in keywords in a search engine閱讀更多 »


Where would today’s world be without industrial aluminum? Manufacturers all around the globe use it to make things. Why is aluminum so popular? 嗯, it offers high strength coupled with low-density properties, and its corrosion resistance is important, 太. What are some of the most common uses for aluminum? Because it’s non-toxic, aluminum is used閱讀更多 »


The metal manufacturing industry is vital to many other sectors such as aerospace and engineering, but it is often misunderstood. What are some typical metal manufacturing myths? Low Tech For starters, some people assume the metal manufacturing industry is low-tech or behind the times in some way. That’s not true. The industry is actually advanced閱讀更多 »


当你尋找工業金屬供應商時, 你應該優先考慮哪些事情? 嗯, 你會想尋找一個供應商,如鷹合金. 我哋認真對待我哋嘅業務,並致力於取悅我哋嘅客戶. 話雖如此, 以下係喺選擇工業金屬供應商時要考慮的一些特殊事項. 一… 閱讀更多 »

化學加工中嘅金屬合金: 釋放效率和耐用性

In the whirlwind world of chemical processing, we are about to dive into a topic that usually goes unnoticed yet is instrumental to the industry’s success: metal alloys. The Essentiality of Metal Alloys Metal alloys, made by combining two or more metallic elements, are the backbone of many industries, particularly chemical processing. Their robustness, resistance閱讀更多 »


Metal alloys play an indispensable role in aerospace manufacturing. Let’s take a look at the important impact that metal alloys play in the aerospace industry. The Power of Metal Alloys When it comes to crafting the marvels of modern aviation, metal alloys reign supreme. These incredible materials are the backbone of aerospace manufacturing, offering a閱讀更多 »

工業金屬: 企業應該瞭解嘅關於桎梏嘅知識

What do you know about niobium? If you’re like most people, the answer is not much. 然而, know this: niobium is used in all sorts of things, from hypoallergenic jewelry to superconducting magnets. You’ll even find niobium in some jet engines. Niobium Characteristics Niobium is a shiny, white metal that may turn shades of blue,… 閱讀更多 »


Leonardo da Vinci is best known as an Italian painter whose paintings are known worldwide even centuries after his death. Perhaps you’ve seen his Mona Lisa or Last Supper? Millions have, and marveled at his artistic creations. Now here’s where it gets interesting. Besides painting, da Vinci was a draftsman, sculptor, architect and engineer. He閱讀更多 »

工業金屬購買指南: 你應該知道嘅關於桎梏嘅知識

Have you ever heard of tantalum? Named after a Greek mythological character named Tantalos, tantalum was first discovered in 1802 by Anders Ekeberg. It’s a hard metal. When in its pure form, it can be drawn into fine wire. Tantalum Guide Tantalum’s symbol on the periodic table is Ta and its atomic number is 73…. 閱讀更多 »


How can you find the right aluminum supplier? Ask yourself some questions and think about some things before you start your search. Research For starters, do you want to find an aluminum supplier offering a limited or wide range of products? Depending on what you need, you may want to choose a supplier that offers閱讀更多 »