Kategorija: Volframas

Volframas tapo gyvybiškai svarbiu pramoniniu metalu

Eagle Alloys deals with pure tungsten, Tungo lydinys, and tungsten alloy. Available in foil, juosta, lapas, plokštelė, viela, smeigtukai, lazdele, baras, ruošiniai, vamzdis, vamzdeliai, jungiamosios detalės, purkštukai, and crucibles as well as semi-finished and finished parts, tungsten from Eagle Alloys comes in custom sizes and grades. Tungsten Has Many Uses Tungsten is a vital industrial metal…. Skaityti daugiau »

Volframo istorija

Eagle Alloys is a leading global supplier of commercially pure tungsten, as well as high density machinable tungsten alloy and copper tungsten alloys. Eagle Alloys is an ISO certified corporation and has been supplying the highest quality metals for over 35 metų. Discovery So what are some historical facts about tungsten? It’s an element thatSkaityti daugiau »