Interesting Facts About Invar

First discovered all the way back in the late 1800s, Invar is an alloy that’s made up of 64 percent iron and 36 百分比鎳. Although it was originally used to create things like thermostats for electric immersion heaters, it plays a key role in an assortment of things today. You’ll find Invar in electric閱讀更多 »

Interesting Facts About Niobium

has one of the most interesting back stories of all the elements that have ever been discovered. Way back in the early 1730s, a scientist named John Winthrop found an ore in Massachusetts of all places and sent it over to England to be examined further. 然而, it sat untouched for the most part in閱讀更多 »

Cool Facts About Vanadium

If you’ve ever pedaled a bicycle or used a knife to cut up something in the kitchen, you may have benefitted from vanadium. Vanadium is an element that’s often used to create alloys that are both strong and durable. You’ll find traces of vanadium in things like bicycle parts and knives. It’s also commonly used閱讀更多 »

Interesting Facts About Tantalum

Tantalum has one of the highest melting points of all the elements on Earth. Its melting point sits at approximately 5,462 degrees Fahrenheit, which puts it behind only tungsten and rhenium as far as melting points are concerned. Thanks to its high melting point, it’s often used in everything from capacitors and vacuum furnaces to閱讀更多 »

Interesting Facts About Rhenium

Rhenium is an extremely rare metal with many properties that make it unique. It’s often used in powerful engines and plays a critical role in many chemical reactions. You can find rhenium in both a pure form and as part of many of today’s popular alloys. It can prove to be beneficial to those working閱讀更多 »


首次發現嘅方式返回 1778, 莫利布登姆以非常延展而著名. 它還以非常耐腐蝕和所有純元素的最高熔點之一而廣為人知. 只有鈦和鎢嘅熔點比摩爾布登姆高. 然而, that’s not all there is to know about閱讀更多 »


鎳係一種有存在幾千年嘅金屬. 鎳被用嚟製造青銅刀硬幣和其他物品喺中國早喺 1046 公元前. 鎳合金都係當今最流行嘅合金之一. 它們用于制造用于好多不同行業嘅產品,… 閱讀更多 »

Why Industrial Metals Are Vital to Our Economy

Industrial metals have just about always played an important role in the well-being of the global economy. 不過, these days it appears as though industrial metals are going to play even more of a role than usual in spite of the global trade wars that are on the brink of breaking out. In the coming閱讀更多 »

Interesting Facts About Tungsten

鎢, which was first discovered about 350 years ago, is known for being one of the toughest elements found in nature. It’s extremely dense and is just about impossible to melt. Its strength and durability has helped people find all kinds of uses for it. Here are some other interesting facts about tungsten that you閱讀更多 »

The Differences Between Alloys and Composites

On the surface, alloys and composites have at least one big thing in common. Alloy and composite materials are both made up of a mixture of at least two components. Alloys and composites are also similar in that they exhibit different properties than the properties associated with the materials that are used to make them…. 閱讀更多 »