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Hersins / Umsóknir um varnariðnað

Metal Alloys Used In The Military & Defense Industries

In order for the military to be at their best, it’s essential the tools and equipment they use are comprised of the best tried, tested and true materials. Fortunately, when you choose Eagle Alloys Corporation to be your alloy suppliers for military and defense related businesses, you can feel rest assured knowing you’re receiving high quality industrial metals.

Industrial metals are used in the defense contracting industry for all sorts of purposes. Til dæmis, industrial metals are used for important transportation mechanisms, including jets, ships and military vehicles. Check out the list of the different industrial metals we provide for defense applications.

Regardless of whether you manufacture jet engines, rotor shafts, casings or some other important piece of equipment for defense applications, Eagle Alloys Corporation will provide you with the high quality materials you need. We have long been a leader in the industrial metals industry, as we have nearly 40 years of experience. Above all else, we place a premium on customer service, as evidenced by the fact we have many longtime, repeat customers. Það sem meira er, we provide custom options, based on the specs you need for your piece of equipment. To learn more about how we can help supply you with the industrial metals you need for defense applications, or to receive a FREE, prompt quote, Hafðu samband við okkur at your convenience.

Tegundir málmblöndur sem notaðar eru í Hersins / Umsóknir um varnariðnað

Sameiginlegur Hersins / Umsóknir um varnariðnað

Missile Components and Parts
Instruments Rotor Blades
Bucking Bars
Þung málmar
Titringsdempandi hlutar
Hitaþolinn búnaður

Hafðu samband við Eagle Alloys

Tollfrjálst: 800.237.9012
Staðbundin: 423.586.8738
Fax: 423.586.7456

Tölvupóstur: sales@eaglealloys.com

Höfuðstöðvar fyrirtækisins:
178 Dómstóll í Vesturgarði
Talbott, Tn 37877

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