¿Aluminio ar industrial ar corroe??

Ar aluminio ne yá aleaciones ya vitales pa ar industria aeroespacial ne mahyoni ja ya industrias jar transporte ne ár nju̲ts'i.. Aluminum is found in many products including automobiles, window frames, kitchen appliances and more. Known for its strength, ductility and low weight, it’s also popular because of its resistance to rust. Aluminum is Rust-Resistant Though aluminum is rust-resistant,… Lei mäs »

'Nar guía pa ar niobio: 'Nar metal industrial invaluable

What do you know about niobium? This metal is used in several industries for specialized applications and has no effective substitutes. Niobium is needed for the manufacturing of cars, ships, buildings, Computadoras, superconducting magnets, high-tech devices and more. The need for it keeps rising in these modern times. Gi mä 'me̲hna,, it’s not exactly ubiquitous whenLei mäs »

Ya metales industriales mäs mahyoni pa ma futuro

That smartphone you use to check Facebook, email and the Internet? That’s possible thanks to industrial metals. Makwäni, many of today’s technological advancements are due, in part, to metals being used in ways that would blow the minds of people alive on Planet Earth just a century ago. Energy and technology rely on several metals,… Lei mäs »

Selección ar barra xí ar aluminio adecuada pa ya ndu ár empresa

Known for corrosion resistance and a high strength to weight ratio so it’s typically a lighter weight than other options, Aluminum bar meets a lot of company’s needs. It can be bent and shaped in a number of ways. It’s also hygienic and ductile, with good thermal and electrical conductivity as well as reflexivity. VariedLei mäs »

Yogo'ä ar renio ar mahyoni pa xingu ya industrias

Eagle Alloys sells a variety of metals, including rhenium. It’s a chemical element that’s classified as a transition metal. History First discovered in 1925 in Germany, rhenium was first found in platinum ores and columbite. Its compounds include oxides, halides and sulfides. It is one of five major refractory metals, known to have high resistanceLei mäs »

Ya njapu'befi fundición asero

Steel casting is a type of casting used when cast irons can’t deliver enough strength or shock resistance. Carbon steels and alloy steels are the two general categories of steel casting. What are some benefits of steel casting? When you have a choice of alloys to use, steel casting allows for great design flexibility soLei mäs »

Alloy Steel vs. Carbon Steel: A Guide

Nja'bu da, you find yourself comparing materials for your company and you see two options: alloy and carbon steel. The difference may be minuscule, but it can make a large impact. There’s truly no right or wrong way to go in alloy vs. carbon steel but knowing the differences can prepare you to make the bestLei mäs »

Tema proteger ar aluminio ar corrosión

Ar aluminio 'bu̲i nuestro alrededor! 'Bu̲i ya coches, Aeroplanos, tejados, Transformadores, Conductores, chiflado, Pernos, ne electrodomésticos ar hñuni. Ar aluminio o̲t'e aproximadamente 8% nga̲tho ya xe̲ni ja ar corteza ma planeta, ar omnipresente. Ne ya jä'i nä'ä bí ho ndi zu̲di... ar xí nze̲di, jár be̲xu, Ar ductilidad ne ar resistencia ar óxido ya impresionantes. ¿Zu̲ni komongu 'bu̲ kasu̲ perfecto?? Kind of–Lei mäs »

Ar tungsteno ar xi convertido ja 'nar metal industrial vital

Eagle Alloys deals with pure tungsten, Cobre tungsteno, and tungsten alloy. Available in foil, Tira, Hoja, Placa, Alambre, Pins, Barra xí, Bar, Espacios, pipa, Tubería, Accesorios, toberas, and crucibles as well as semi-finished and finished parts, tungsten from Eagle Alloys comes in custom sizes and grades. Tungsten Has Many Uses Tungsten is a vital industrial metal…. Lei mäs »

Priorice ar mfeni nu'bu̲ busque 'nar proveedor ya bo̲jä, industrial

When it comes to choosing a metal supplier, you want a true expert. If you look up the word “true” in a dictionary, the words steadfast, loyal, honest, and accurate come up. Then, if you look up the word “expert,” you’d see it means “having, involving, or displaying special skill representing mastery of a particularLei mäs »