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Producto Visión Nxoge

Eagle Alloys Corporation (Eac) is a leading global supplier of high purity Vanadium (V) jar lámina, Tira, Hoja, Placa, Alambre, Barra xí, Bar, ingot, cubes, Espacios, pipa, Tubería, polvo, Pelotillas, granules, nt'ot'e pulverización, crisoles, nja'bu ngu piezas semiacabdas ne terminadas, tamaños personalizados, ne calificaciones personalizadas. 'Nar nt'ot'e ho 'bui ndunthe variedad tamaños gi 'bu̲hu̲ da 'mui jar stock ko ar xkagentho wa da ku̲hu̲ pa envío. Eagle Alloys Corporation is an ISO Certified Corporation and has been supplying the highest quality Vanadium for over 35 Ya je̲ya.

Nu'bu̲ Eagle Alloys hingi pe̲ts'i ár requisito exacto jar stock, podemos ofrecer precios competitivos ko plazos ar entrega cortos.

Eagle Alloys Vanadium Capabilities

Rango tamaño
Tamaño máximo
Tamaño típico stock
Hoja / Tira / Placa
0.001" Thk 'na 4" Thk
60" max width & 200" longitud máxima
12"w x 12"lg & 12"w x 24"Lg
Alambre / Barra xí / Bar
0.003" Pa da 8" Diámetro
20pies largo
72" xí maa
Tubería / Pipa
0.039" OD 'na 6.5" Od / 0.008" Pa 0.630" Jot'i
20pies largo
36"Lg, 40"Lg, 60"lg & 72"Lg
*Tamaños personalizados jár petición

Vanadium Stock Sizes Envío xkagentho ar pa (zedi ja 'ba̲ ya previa)

Envío xkagentho ar pa

Vanadium Foil/Sheet/Strip/Plate

  • 0.005"Thk x 6" W x 12 "Lg
  • 0.010"Thk x 6" W x 12 "Lg
  • 0.015"Thk x 6" W x 12 "Lg
  • 0.020"Thk x 6" W x 12 "Lg
  • 0.030"Thk x 6" W x 12 "Lg

Vanadium Wire/Rod/Bar

  • 0.125” Dia x 36” Lg
  • 0.250” Dia x 36” Lg
  • 0.375” Dia x 36” Lg
  • 0.500” Dia x 24” Lg
  • 0.750"Pa x 12" Lg
  • 1"Pa x 12" Lg
  • 1.500” Dia x 6” Lg

Vanadium Tubing/Pipe

  • Contactar ga pa dimensionar ar tamaño
  • Contactar ga pa dimensionar ar tamaño
  • Contactar ga pa dimensionar ar tamaño

About Vanadium Metal & Aleaciones

Vanadium is a soft, brillante, silvery metal and its elemental form, vanadium has a bluish-silver appearance. Vanadium is found in 65 different minerals as well as phosphate rock, certain iron ores, some crude oils (in the form of complexes) and meteorites. Some of the more important minerals in which vanadium is found include carnotite, roscoelite, vanadinite and patronite. Wat'i, ar vanadio hingi o mpe̲fi jar 'mui, 'Nar pa aislado, ngetho ge 'nar capa óxido da estabiliza ar metal mpe̲fi ja 'nar dätä oxidación.

Ar vanadio ar binu resiste corrosión nu'bya formación 'nar película protectora óxido jar ár superficie; Ar atacado ácidos concentrados pe hingi ya álcalis fundidos. The principal use for vanadium is as an alloying constituent, particularly in steels where it is introduced as ferrovanadium, an alloy of iron and vanadium. The addition of vanadium to steels removes occluded oxygen and nitrogen, thus improving the materialsstrength.

It is a hard, ductile transition metal that is primarily used as a steel additive and in alloys such as Titanium-6AL-4V, which is composed of titanium, Aluminio, and vanadium and is the most common titanium alloy commercially produced. Vanadio (ár nt'udi atómico: V, ar 'bede atómico: 23) ge 'nar Bloque D, ar Hmunts'i 5, Ar jeya 4 'nar 'mu̲i ko 'nar be̲xu atómico ar 50.9415. Vanadium was discovered by Andres Manuel del Rio in 1801 and first isolated by Nils Gabriel Sefström in 1830. Vanadium was named after the wordVanadismeaning goddess of beauty in Scandinavian mythology. Commercially, vanadium is produced by reducing vanadium trichloride with magnesium metal or a mixture of magnesium and sodium or via the calcium reduction of V2O5 in a pressure vessel.

Hñeti: Vanadium is toxic, and care is required when handling vanadium and its compounds.

Propiedades & Aplicaciones

Vanadium Typical Applications

Vanadium Specifications (jár petición)

Hne ngatho Aplicaciones ar industria

DECLARACIONES YA 'BEFI - Renuncia 'Na sugerencia aplicaciones wa resultados productos xta 'ñotho ar nt'udi wa ya garantía, ya da expresa wa ya implícita. 'Ñotho excepción nixi ja, otho ar garantías comerciabilidad wa idoneidad pa 'nar nt'ot'e particular. Ar usuario da evaluar completamente ya proceso ne ya nt'ot'e jar nga̲tho ya 'na'ño instituto, da 'ñent'i jar idoneidad, ntsoni ja ar ley aplicable ne ár hingi violación ya mfats'i ya Eagle Alloys Corporation ne yá filiales hingi tendrán ni 'na jar 'befi ir nge ya xkagentho.


Contactar ko Eagle Alloys

Peaje gratuito: 800.237.9012
Ja: 423.586.8738
Fax: 423.586.7456

Correo electrónico:

'Mui ar empresa:
178 West Park Court
Talbott, Tn 37877

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