Faʻahinga: Lauʻipepa Ukamea ʻAlaminiumé

Fakaʻaongaʻi ki he ngaahi meʻa fakamisini ʻAlaminiume

Where would today’s world be without industrial aluminum? Manufacturers all around the globe use it to make things. Why is aluminum so popular? Sai, it offers high strength coupled with low-density properties, and its corrosion resistance is important, mo ia foki. What are some of the most common uses for aluminum? Because it’s non-toxic, aluminum is usedLau ke lahi ange »

Founga te ke lava ʻo maʻu ai ʻa e ʻalaminiume totonu ʻoku fakatau

How can you find the right aluminum supplier? Ask yourself some questions and think about some things before you start your search. Research For starters, do you want to find an aluminum supplier offering a limited or wide range of products? Depending on what you need, you may want to choose a supplier that offersLau ke lahi ange »

ʻOku Corrode ʻa e ngaahi meʻa lalahi ʻalaminiume Corrode?

Aluminum and its alloys are vital to the aerospace industry and important in transportation and building industries. Aluminum is found in many products including automobiles, window frames, kitchen appliances and more. Known for its strength, ductility and low weight, it’s also popular because of its resistance to rust. Aluminum is Rust-Resistant Though aluminum is rust-resistant,… Lau ke lahi ange »

Founga ke maluʻi ʻaki e ʻalaminiume mei Peheni

Aluminum is all around us! It’s in cars, airplanes, roofs, transformers, conductors, nuts, bolts, and kitchen appliances. Aluminum accounts for about 8% of all elements in our planet’s crust– it’s ubiquitous. And people love using it… it’s strong, low weight, ductility and rust resistance is awesome. Does it sound like it’s almost perfect? Kind of–Lau ke lahi ange »

Ko e ha ʻa e ngaahi lelei ʻo e density ukamea?

ʻOku ke ʻi he maketi ki ha ngaahi ukamea density lalahi? Kapau ʻoku pehē, ʻalaminiume ko e fili lelei taha ia kiate koe. ʻI he taimi ʻoku fakakaukau ai ha tokolahi ki he ʻalaminiume, haʻu ki heʻeku fakakaukaú ha kapa inu. Ka neongo ia, naʻa ke ʻiloʻi koa, fakataha mo e ukamea, ko e ʻalaminiume ko e taha ia ʻo e ngaahi ukamea ʻoku lahi ange hono fakaʻaongaʻi ʻi he ngaahi feituʻu fakapisinisi? Ko hono ʻuhinga ʻeni: It’sLau ke lahi ange »

Ko e faikehekehe ʻi he vahaʻa ʻo e foila mo e Stainless sitila

Kapau te ke kiʻi manga ki mui ʻo sio kiate kinaua fakatouʻosi, te ke sio ʻoku ʻasi tatau pe ʻa e ʻalaminiume mo stainless ukamea. Mahalo te ke maʻuhala ki he tokotaha ko eé kapau te ke sio fakavavevave pē kiate kinaua. Ka neongo iá, ʻoku totonu ke ke ʻiloʻi ʻoku ʻi ai ha ngaahi faikehekehe siʻisiʻi ʻoku ne fakamavaheʻi ʻa e ʻalaminiume mo e stainless ukamea…. Lau ke lahi ange »

Founga kuo tokoniʻi ai ʻe he ʻalaminiume Alloys ʻa e ngaahi ngaue Aerospace

ʻI he taimi ʻoku fakakaukau ai ha kakai tokolahi ki he ngaahi meʻa kehekehe ʻoku ngaohi mei he ʻalaminiume, ʻoku nau fakakaukau ki he foila ʻalaminiume, matapa ʻalaminiume mo e matapa sioʻata, mo e, ʻio, ʻalaminiume kapa. Ka neongo ia, ko e meʻa ʻoku ʻikai ke fakatokangaʻi maʻu pe ʻe he kakai ko e ʻalaminiume ʻoku ʻi ai ha hisitolia loloa mo ʻiloʻi ʻi he taimi ʻoku hoko mai ai ki he ngaahi ngaue aerospace. Aluminum alloys have played a keyLau ke lahi ange »

Why Many Businesses Prefer Aluminum Metal

Take a look around you right now. Chances are, you’ll spot at least a few things that are made out of aluminum. From smartphones and computers to cars and airplanes, businesses use aluminum to make many of their products. Let’s take a look at why so many companies prefer to use aluminum over many otherLau ke lahi ange »

What Are the Benefits of Aluminum Sheet Metal?

Are you looking for the right material to use for fabrication purposes? There will be no shortage of options. You can use everything from plastic to steel for all your fabrication needs. Ka neongo ia, aluminum sheet metal might very well be your best option. Just take a look at some of the benefits that you’ll enjoyLau ke lahi ange »