Hiki fakalaka ki he Meʻa ʻi Lotó

Tungsten, Molybdenum And Copper Alloy Electrodes

Electrodes Supplier for Cutting, TIG, Arc & Plasma Welding

For over 35 ngaahi taʻu, Eagle Alloys Corporation has built its reputation as a leading supplier of tungsten electrodes and molybdenum electrodes for TIG welding, arc welding, plasma welding and cutting. Our team supplies all sorts of tungsten electrodes, including:

Makehe mei ai, we also provide supply our customers with a wide variety of molybdenum and molybdenum copper alloy electrodes. Please note, we can provide electrodes from 0.5 Dia to 50mm Dia to our customers’ exact requirements.

Since 1982, Eagle Alloys Corporation has served as an industrial metals supplier and electrodes supplier for businesses in an array of industries. We’re an ISO certified corporation and we’re renowned for supplying the highest quality materials.

If you would like to learn more about choosing Eagle Alloys Corporation to be your electrodes supplier, or if you would like to discuss your specific electrode needs, contact our experts today.


Fetuʻutaki ki he Eagle alloys

Telefoni taʻetotongi: 800.237.9012
Fakalotofonua: 423.586.8738
Fax (Fax): 423.586.7456

ʻĪmeilí: sales@eaglealloys.com

Hetikuota ʻo e kulupu:
178 Malaʻe ʻo e Paʻake Hihifo
Talbott, TN 37877

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