Faʻahinga: Ukamea

Ko e faikehekehe ʻi he vahaʻa ʻo e foila mo e Stainless sitila

Kapau te ke kiʻi manga ki mui ʻo sio kiate kinaua fakatouʻosi, te ke sio ʻoku ʻasi tatau pe ʻa e ʻalaminiume mo stainless ukamea. Mahalo te ke maʻuhala ki he tokotaha ko eé kapau te ke sio fakavavevave pē kiate kinaua. Ka neongo iá, ʻoku totonu ke ke ʻiloʻi ʻoku ʻi ai ha ngaahi faikehekehe siʻisiʻi ʻoku ne fakamavaheʻi ʻa e ʻalaminiume mo e stainless ukamea…. Lau ke lahi ange »

How Are the Hardness of Metals Measured?

Before purchasing metals for commercial or industrial purposes, companies should find out what the hardness of metals are. Hardness refers to how effective a metal is when it comes to resisting plastic deformation and indentation. It also refers to how effective a metal is as far as showing resistance to scratching and cutting. ʻOku ʻi ai ha ngaahi… Lau ke lahi ange »

Founga kuo tokoniʻi ai ʻe he ʻalaminiume Alloys ʻa e ngaahi ngaue Aerospace

ʻI he taimi ʻoku fakakaukau ai ha kakai tokolahi ki he ngaahi meʻa kehekehe ʻoku ngaohi mei he ʻalaminiume, ʻoku nau fakakaukau ki he foila ʻalaminiume, matapa ʻalaminiume mo e matapa sioʻata, mo e, ʻio, ʻalaminiume kapa. Ka neongo ia, ko e meʻa ʻoku ʻikai ke fakatokangaʻi maʻu pe ʻe he kakai ko e ʻalaminiume ʻoku ʻi ai ha hisitolia loloa mo ʻiloʻi ʻi he taimi ʻoku hoko mai ai ki he ngaahi ngaue aerospace. Aluminum alloys have played a keyLau ke lahi ange »

Founga ke maʻu ai ʻa e kautaha ukamea lelei taha

ʻOku ke fekumi nai ki ha kautaha ukamea ke ʻoatu kiate koe ha ʻalaminiume, tungsten, rhenium, seniti ʻe nima, zirconium, pe ko ha faʻahinga ukamea ʻe taha? Kimuʻa pea ke ʻalu mo e fuofua kautaha ʻoku ʻasi hake ʻi hoʻo fekumi, ʻoku totonu ke ke fakakaukauʻi fakalelei ha ngaahi moʻoniʻi meʻa kehekehe. Here are some of the things you should think about before settlingLau ke lahi ange »

Commonly Used Industrial Metals

You could argue that industrial metals make the world go round. Without them, it would be just about impossible for companies all across the world to manufacture many products. There are some industrial metals that have become more popular than others over the years. Here are some of the most commonly used industrial metals onLau ke lahi ange »

Ngaahi moʻoniʻi meʻa malie fekauʻaki mo Hafnium

Neongo naʻe toki fokotuʻu pe hafnium fekauʻaki mo 100 ngaahi taʻu lahi kuo hilí, kuo hoko ia ko ha ukamea mahuʻinga ʻaupito ki ha ngaahi ngāueʻanga lahi. ʻOku faʻa maʻu ʻa e Hafnium ʻi he meʻangaue ʻuhila, ngaahi foʻi ʻuhila, pea taila maka. ʻOku toe fakaʻaongaʻi foki ia ʻi he ngaahi kautaha ivi fakaʻatomi. Neongo iá, mahalo ʻoku ʻikai ʻilo lahi ʻa e ʻavalisi ʻo e tokotaha fekauʻaki mo e hafnium. CheckLau ke lahi ange »

Ko e Hā e Meʻa ʻOku Tōtō Atu?

Ko e Invar toto ko ha alloy maʻulalo ia ʻoku faʻu ʻaki e 32 Peseti ʻe nima, meimei 5 peseti cobalt, palanisi ʻo e ukameá, mo e lahi ʻo e ngaahi ukamea mo e makakoloa kehe hangē ko e kopá, ʻalaminiume, mo e manganese. Kuo talaki ia koeʻuhi ko ʻene malava ke fakaʻaliʻali ha kiʻi mafola lahi ʻi he mafana ʻo e loki. It also exhibits fewerLau ke lahi ange »

What Are the Benefits of Custom Grade Metals?

Are you searching for metals you can use to produce parts for your company? Custom grade metals are likely going to be your best options for a handful of reasons. There is a long list of benefits that come along with putting custom grade metals to good use. Let’s check out some of the advantagesLau ke lahi ange »

Why Many Businesses Prefer Aluminum Metal

Take a look around you right now. Chances are, you’ll spot at least a few things that are made out of aluminum. From smartphones and computers to cars and airplanes, businesses use aluminum to make many of their products. Let’s take a look at why so many companies prefer to use aluminum over many otherLau ke lahi ange »

Things to Look For When Selecting the Right Metal Supplier

Are you currently searching for a metal supplier? Kapau ʻoku pehē, you should make sure that you go with a company capable of providing you with a wide array of products, including everything from aluminum and nickel to tungsten and zirconium. You should also look for a company that has certain other characteristics. Here are aLau ke lahi ange »