Common Uses for Industrial Copper

How much do you know about copper? Here are some basics: it’s electrically conductive, malleable, and corrosion-resistant. It’s used in several industries, including manufacturing and construction, in things such as circuit boards and roofing sheets. Copper can often be found in the form of blanks, flats, bars, plates and sheet stock. U páajtal u utilizar… Xook asab »

What Are the Most Common Construction Metals?

If you were to visit a construction site and ask what materials they most often used, what would you find there? Typically, the most common construction materials include carbon steel, aluminio, copper tubing and stainless steel. These materials are commonly found in buildings all around the world. They’re used in all sorts of applications, Incluido… Xook asab »

Bix kaxtik le fabricante u metal industrial yáax

Tak ku beetik ya'abkach décadas, Eagle Alloys u yaax yaantal suministrando amplia variedad materiales u ka'anal calidad, incluidos metales industriales, ti' líderes ti' ya'ab industrias.. Wáaj bix u kaxtik le fabricante metal industrial u "correcto"? Ch'e'eno', ti'al u chuumpajal, U t'anik u Eagle Alloys ti' le 800-237-9012 utia'al u discutir u kajtalo'ob ichil ka wilik wa jach jump'éel ma'alo'ob opción... Ba'ale'… Xook asab »

Ba'ax k'a'ana'an wojéeltik yóok'ol le renio.?

Eagle Alloys Corporation is a leading global supplier of commercially pure Rhenium (Re), Aleaciones molibdeno-renio (Mo-Re), ka aleaciones tungsteno-renio (W-Re) tu lámina, k'axnak', Ch'íin, Le', lako', alambre, barra, barra, Juuch'bil, Pelotillas, Kúuchilo'ob, pipa, Tubería, electrodos,  Bey páajtal a semiacabadas yéetel terminadas, tamaños personalizados, ka grados personalizados. Aleaciones águila, an ISO certified corporation, has beenXook asab »

Le k'ajláayo' le tungsteno

Eagle Alloys is a leading global supplier of commercially pure tungsten, as well as high density machinable tungsten alloy and copper tungsten alloys. Eagle Alloys is an ISO certified corporation and has been supplying the highest quality metals for over 35 ja'abo'ob. Discovery So what are some historical facts about tungsten? It’s an element thatXook asab »

Ba'alo'ob u ignorar túun le metales industriales

Okay, so you’ve heard some things about industrial metals. But what things are true and what things are false/myths? Costs Are metals more costly to manufacture than other materials? Not these days. Thanks to today’s manufacturing technology, metal manufacturing is more affordable thanks to things like automation and advances in tooling machinery. Are the lightestXook asab »

Razones utia'al u considerar le tuberías aleación níquel utia'al u kajtalo'ob ichil industriales

Le tuberías aleación níquel utilizan te' ba'alo'ob bey generadores vapor, sistemas aeronaves, Yéetel u extracción petróleo yéetel gas... Le tuberías aleación níquel yaan ya'ab beneficios. Cuáles ku yane' ti' leti'ob.? Lento utia'al u oxidar ti'al u chuumpajal, Le níquel Xáan oxidar u temperatura ambiente yéetel lelo' u k'áat u ya'al le naturalmente resistente ti' le corrosión. Piense ti' le ya'ab entornos industriales… Xook asab »

Ts'o'ok in waye' Ba'axten k'a'ana'an considerar le aluminio 4047 utia'al u kajtalo'ob ichil u aleación industrial

Le aluminio jach juntúul ti' le metales industriales asab importantes ti' le yóok'ol kaaba'. Kula'an ichil u terrestre, Le aluminio jach utilizado Sáansamal tumen jejelas ti' amplia gama sikte, incluyendo Ba'ale' ma' limitado le aeroespacial, industrias ti' le construcción yéetel automotriz. Wa u empresa k'áabet jump'éel aleación xa'ak'óol confiable, tech k'a'ana'an considerar fuertemente le aluminio… Xook asab »

An Overview of Hafnium

hafnio, first discovered in 1923, is a lustrous, silvery-gray transition metal rarely found free in nature. It was the next-to-last element with stable nuclei to be added to the periodic table. How did it get its name? Hafnium comes from the Latin word for Copenhagen, which is hafnia. Hafnium Applications Today hafnium is used inXook asab »

Cuáles ku ventajas le tuberías hechas ti' aleación níquel?

Ba'ax a a preguntando ba'ax jejelas tuberías tia'al? Eagle Alloys le jump'éel proveedor tubos yéetel tuberías aleación níquel, usando Inconel® (resistente u 1170 grados Celsius), Monel®, ka aleaciones incoloy®. Ts'o'ok bixake' utia'al usos cotidianos, wa industrial ka'anal estrés, energía wa entornos químicos, aleación níquel le jump'éel nuxi' opción debido a u ka'anal resistencia ti' le corrosión,… Xook asab »