類別: 金屬

The Difference Between Aluminum and Stainless Steel

If you take a step back and look at them both, you’ll see that aluminum and stainless steel look a lot alike. You might even mistake one for the other if you just glance at them quickly. 不過, you should know that there are quite a few differences that set aluminum and stainless steel apart…. 閱讀更多 »

How Are the Hardness of Metals Measured?

Before purchasing metals for commercial or industrial purposes, companies should find out what the hardness of metals are. Hardness refers to how effective a metal is when it comes to resisting plastic deformation and indentation. It also refers to how effective a metal is as far as showing resistance to scratching and cutting. 有… 閱讀更多 »


当大多數人想到由鋁製成嘅不同嘢時, 佢哋考慮鋁箔, 鋁門窗, 和, 答案係肯定嘅, 鋁罐. 然而, 人們並不總是意識到,鋁喺航空航天工業方面有着悠久而傳奇嘅歷史. 鋁合金發揮了關鍵作用… 閱讀更多 »

How to Find the Best Industrial Metal Supplier

Are you searching for an industrial metal supplier to provide you with aluminum, 鎢, 鋮, 鎳, 鋯, or another type of metal? Before you go with the first supplier that pops up in your search, you should carefully consider a variety of factors. Here are some of the things you should think about before settling閱讀更多 »

Commonly Used Industrial Metals

You could argue that industrial metals make the world go round. Without them, it would be just about impossible for companies all across the world to manufacture many products. There are some industrial metals that have become more popular than others over the years. Here are some of the most commonly used industrial metals on閱讀更多 »

Interesting Facts About Hafnium

Even though hafnium was only founded about 100 years ago, it has become a very important metal for numerous industries. Hafnium is often found in electric equipment, light bulbs, and ceramic. It’s also used quite a bit in the nuclear power industry. Nonetheless, the average person probably doesn’t know a whole lot about hafnium. Check閱讀更多 »


超級英瓦尔係一個低膨脹合金,係由約 32 百分比鎳, 大約 5 百分比鈷, 平衡鐵, 同微量嘅其他金屬和礦物,如銅, 鋁, 和錳. 它被宣布,因為它有能力喺室溫下顯示最小嘅熱膨脹. It also exhibits fewer閱讀更多 »

What Are the Benefits of Custom Grade Metals?

Are you searching for metals you can use to produce parts for your company? Custom grade metals are likely going to be your best options for a handful of reasons. There is a long list of benefits that come along with putting custom grade metals to good use. Let’s check out some of the advantages閱讀更多 »

Why Many Businesses Prefer Aluminum Metal

Take a look around you right now. Chances are, you’ll spot at least a few things that are made out of aluminum. From smartphones and computers to cars and airplanes, businesses use aluminum to make many of their products. Let’s take a look at why so many companies prefer to use aluminum over many other閱讀更多 »

Things to Look For When Selecting the Right Metal Supplier

Are you currently searching for a metal supplier? 㞖, you should make sure that you go with a company capable of providing you with a wide array of products, including everything from aluminum and nickel to tungsten and zirconium. You should also look for a company that has certain other characteristics. Here are a閱讀更多 »