類別: 金屬

The Uses and Uniqueness of Kovar

Kovar has been in use for many decades. Despite its relatively long history, many people outside of engineering fields may never have heard of this valuable alloy. This is an overview of kovar. The name Kovar is actually trademarked by a Delaware corporation, CRS Holdings, Inc. Kovar was first patented in the U.S. in 1936…. 閱讀更多 »

A Brief Overview Zirconium

Zirconium is an element that is commonly used as an opacifier and refractory, though it is used in other applications as well. It was first discovered in the late 18th century, but was not isolated until the 19th century or made available in a pure from until the early 20th century. Zirconium is not found閱讀更多 »

Interesting New Research on How to Create Lighter, but Stronger Alloys

For thousands of years now, people have been taking various metals, blending them together, and creating metal mixtures called alloys that have unique properties that make them valuable to human beings. Some example of alloys that have made a big impact on the world include bronze, which is a blend of tin and copper, 和… 閱讀更多 »

There Are Many Uses for Zirconium

Just reading the word zirconium probably brings to mind “cubic zirconia,” which is the world’s most popular diamond simulant. Zirconium and cubic zirconia are very different things, but the average person is likely to think they’re related because they sound similar, 右? Cubic zirconia is a manmade thing, and you’re likely to find jewelry, such閱讀更多 »

How Vanadium Could Help Solve Our Energy Problems

Have you heard of vanadium? It’s a metal most people haven’t heard ofyet. Vanadium could play a key role in delivering energy to our world in the years to come. 第一, 雖然, consider Hawaii, which gets more sunshine than most states. Because of its remote location, Hawaii’s electricity costs more than three times the閱讀更多 »

Interesting Facts About Metal

Metals are typically solid materials known to be hard, 閃亮, malleable, fusible, and ductile. With good electrical and thermal conductivity, metals are useful in so many applications and without them our world just wouldn’t be the same. If you want to impress your friends at a party, and they’re into“metals,” here are some interesting facts閱讀更多 »

What Are Alloys? How Are They Made?

Alloys are found in all sorts of things, including dental fillings, jewelry, door locks, musical instruments, coins, guns, and nuclear reactors. So what are alloys and what are they made of? Alloys are metals combined with other substances in order to make them better in some way. While some people assume the term ‘alloys’ means閱讀更多 »


金屬存在於地殼中. 取決於您在地球上的位置, 如果你要挖尋找鋁, 銀或銅, 你可能會搵到它們. 通常, 呢啲純金屬存在於岩石中嘅礦物質中. 簡單地說, 如果您挖掘土壤和/或收集岩石, you’re likely to find閱讀更多 »


你知道金屬喺我哋身邊啊?, 同生命至關重要,因為我哋知道它? 你的身體不僅需要鋅和銅等金屬才能正常工作, 但係冇金屬,你嘅電腦就唔會存在. 你能想象不能檢查電子郵件或觀看Youtube視頻啊?? It would be a閱讀更多 »