类别: 铜合金


How much do you know about copper? Here are some basics: it’s electrically conductive, 可锻铸铁, and corrosion-resistant. It’s used in several industries, including manufacturing and construction, in things such as circuit boards and roofing sheets. Copper can often be found in the form of blanks, flats, 酒吧, plates and sheet stock. It can be used继续阅读 »


目前有超过 400 铜合金. 从黄铜和青铜到铜镍和镍银, 如果要搜索用于制造工艺或其他应用的铜合金,则有很多选择. 每种单独的铜合金都有其独特的特征, 但总的来说, there are many benefits继续阅读 »