类别: 镍管


是时候谈谈镍了. 如果你和大多数人一样, 你只是想到“镍,又名 5 我们用来赚钱的分币. 但是有镍, 元素编号 28 在元素周期表上, 原子质量为 58.69. 镍有多种用途——您会发现它无处不在… 继续阅读 »


When most people hear the word “nickel,” they commonly associate it with the nickel coin worth five cents in America. 那说, nickel is also known as a silvery-white metal you could find in the earth’s crust, typically in hydrothermal veins and in surface deposits thanks to erosion and the weathering of rocks. If you继续阅读 »


Nickel alloy pipes are used in things like steam generators, aircraft systems, and in oil and gas extraction… Nickel alloy pipes have many benefits. What are some of them? Slow to Oxidize For starters, nickel is slow to oxidize at room temperature and that means it’s naturally corrosion resistant. Think of the many industrial environments继续阅读 »


你想知道要买什么样的管道吗?? 鹰合金是镍合金管和管材的供应商, 使用 inconel® (耐 1170 摄氏度), Monel®, 和 Incoloy® 合金. 是否用于日常用途, 或高应力工业, 能量或化学环境, 镍合金是一个不错的选择,因为它具有高耐腐蚀性,… 继续阅读 »