类别: 镍管


When most people hear the word “nickel,” they commonly associate it with the nickel coin worth five cents in America. 那说, nickel is also known as a silvery-white metal you could find in the earth’s crust, typically in hydrothermal veins and in surface deposits thanks to erosion and the weathering of rocks. If you继续阅读 »


在鹰合金公司, 我们的使命是以最具竞争力的价格提供最优质的材料. 我们与优质工厂和供应商合作,以满足不断变化的市场需求. 那么……工业金属从何而来? 地球的金属金属来自我们的星球– 地球. Mining companies dig for underground deposits继续阅读 »


有许多行业严重依赖镍管. 镍管已在许多炼油厂和化学炼油厂以及其他装有发动机的设施中找到了家。, 发电机, 里面有重型设备. 镍管有很多好处. Check out a few of the advantages of using继续阅读 »