Neidio i'r Cynnwys

Tantalum Blank Supplier

Blanciau Tantalwm
Interested in Tantalum Blanks?

Corfforaeth Aloi Eagle (EAC) is the leading global supplier of Tantalum blanks. EAC can offer a wide variety of sizes in Tantalum blanks and can supply custom blanks sizes with short lead times.

Eagle Alloys Corporation can supply Tantalum blanks up to 10” Dia and 4” Thick. Please contact our courteous sales team to assist you if you do not see sizing listed that you require.

Eagle Alloys Corporation is an ISO Certified Corporation and have been supply the highest quality Tantalum blanks for over 35 mlynedd.

In addition to commercially pure Tantalum EAC also supplies Medical Grade Tantalum, and Tantalum Alloys Ta2.5%W, Ta7.5%W, Ta10%W, Ta40%Columbium (Niobium). Tantalum blanks are typically supplied to meet the requirements of ASTM-B-708, ASTM-B-365, ASTM-B-521, ASTM-F-560, AMS 7847, AMS 7848, ISO 13782, RO5200, RO5400, RO5255, RO5252, RO5240.

Mae Eagle Alloys yn cyflenwi deunydd Gwrthdaro DRC. EAC only sources our Tantalum blanks from Level 1 mwyndoddwyr.

Eagle Alloys Tantalum Blanks Capabilities

Maint Min
Maint Uchaf
Ystod Maint
Blanciau Tantalwm (Round)
0.125" Bore
10" Bore
0.125" Dia hyd at 10" Bore
Blanciau Tantalwm (Square/Rectangle)
0.001" Thk
4" Thk
0.001" Thk hyd at 4" Thk
*Meintiau personol ar gais

Tantalum Blanks Stock Sizes Llongau Yr Un Diwrnod (yn amodol ar werthiant blaenorol)

Llongau Yr Un Diwrnod
Blanciau Tantalwm
  • Contact us For Sizing

Cyffredin Ceisiadau Diwydiant

DATGANIAD RHWYMEDIGAETH - YMWADIAD Rhoddir unrhyw awgrym o gymwysiadau neu ganlyniadau cynnyrch heb gynrychiolaeth na gwarant, naill ai wedi'i fynegi neu'n ymhlyg. Heb eithriad na chyfyngiad, nid oes unrhyw warantau masnachadwyedd na ffitrwydd at bwrpas neu gymhwysiad penodol. Rhaid i'r defnyddiwr werthuso pob proses a chymhwysiad ym mhob agwedd yn llawn, gan gynnwys addasrwydd, ni fydd cydymffurfio â'r gyfraith berthnasol a pheidio â thorri hawliau eraill Corfforaeth Eagle Alloys a'i chysylltiadau yn atebol am hynny..


Cysylltwch ag Eagle Alloys

Di-doll: 800.237.9012
Lleol: 423.586.8738
Ffacs: 423.586.7456


Pencadlys y Cwmni:
178 Llys West Park
Talbott, TN 37877

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