Kategorija: Pajpijiet tan-Nikil

Il-metalli tan-nikil huma magħrufa għall-versatilità tagħhom

It’s time to talk about nickel. Now if you’re like most people, you just think of “nickels,” aka 5 cent pieces we use for money. But there’s nickel, element number 28 on the periodic table, with an atomic mass of 58.69. Nickel is used in a variety of ways– you’ll find it all around youAqra iktar »

Common Uses of Nickel

When most people hear the word “nickel,” they commonly associate it with the nickel coin worth five cents in America. Dak qal, nickel is also known as a silvery-white metal you could find in the earth’s crust, typically in hydrothermal veins and in surface deposits thanks to erosion and the weathering of rocks. If youAqra iktar »

Raġunijiet biex Tikkunsidra l-Pajpijiet tal-Liga tan-Nikil għall-Bżonnijiet Industrijali Tiegħek

Nickel alloy pipes are used in things like steam generators, aircraft systems, and in oil and gas extraction… Nickel alloy pipes have many benefits. What are some of them? Slow to Oxidize For starters, nickel is slow to oxidize at room temperature and that means it’s naturally corrosion resistant. Think of the many industrial environmentsAqra iktar »

X'inhuma l-Vantaġġi tal-Pajpijiet Magħmulin Mill-Liga tan-Nikil?

Int mintix x'tip ta 'pajpijiet għandek tikseb? Eagle Alloys huwa fornitur ta 'pajpijiet u tubi ta' liga tan-nikil, billi tuża Inconel® (reżistenti għal 1170 gradi Celsius), Monel®, u ligi Incoloy®. Kemm għal użi ta 'kuljum, jew industrijali ta 'tensjoni għolja, enerġija jew ambjenti kimiċi, liga tan-nikil hija għażla kbira minħabba r-reżistenza għolja tagħha għall-korrużjoni,… Aqra iktar »