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Pure Tungsten Custom Finished Parts Supplier

Partijiet Lesti Tungsteni Puri
Interested in Pure Tungsten Finished Parts?

Eagle Alloys Corporation (EAC) is the leading global supplier of Tungsten custom finished parts and custom grades and custom alloys with short lead times.
Eagle Alloys Corporation can supply Tungsten custom finished parts from 0.125” Dia up to 8” Dia and square or rectangular custom finished parts from 0.001” Thk up to 8” Thk.

Please contact our courteous sales team to assist you and please view or print our Tungsten stock list for our complete Tungsten stock sizes and capabilities.

Eagle Alloys Corporation is an ISO Certified Corporation and have been supply the highest quality Tungsten custom finished parts for over 35 snin.
Tungsten custom finished parts are typically supplied to meet the requirements of ASTM-B-760. Upon request, Eagle Alloys Corporation can supply Tungsten custom finished parts per AMS 7897, AMS 7898.

Tungsten has the highest melting point of the refractory metals, high density, and low coefficient of thermal expansion. It offers exceptionally high strength and good electrical resistivity at very high temperatures. Unalloyed Tungsten is very difficult to machine and fabricate. Eagle Alloys can furnish finished parts in this material in relatively quick turnaround times.

Typical applications for Tungsten are Filaments, fran tal-vakwu, kuntatti elettriċi, glass-to-metal seals, supports, elettrodi, cathodes and anodes, elettronika, protezzjoni mir-radjazzjoni, medical devices, x-ray targets, ion implantation parts, windings and heating elements for electrical furnaces, miri li jisparaw, heat shields, heat bodies, tungsten boats and crucibles.

Eagle Alloys Pure Tungsten Finished Parts Capabilities

Daqs Min
Daqs Max
Medda tad-Daqs
Partijiet Lesti Tungsteni Puri (Round)
0.125” Iva.
8” Iva.
0.125” Iva. up to 8” Dia.
Partijiet Lesti Tungsteni Puri (Square/Rectangle)
0.001” Thk sa 8” Thk
*Daqsijiet personalizzati fuq talba

Pure Tungsten Finished Parts Stock Sizes Trasport bl-istess Jum (soġġett għal bejgħ minn qabel)

Trasport bl-istess Jum
Partijiet Lesti Tungsteni Puri
  • Ikkuntattjana għad-Daqs
  • Ikkuntattjana għad-Daqs
  • Ikkuntattjana għad-Daqs

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Ikkuntattja Eagle Alloys

Bla Ħlas: 800.237.9012
Lokali: 423.586.8738
Fax: 423.586.7456


Kwartieri Ġenerali tal-Kumpanija:
178 West Park Court
Talbott, TN 37877

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