Aqbeż għall-Kontenut

Ligi ta 'Temp Għoli

Prodott Ħarsa ġenerali

Eagle Alloys Corporation has helped countless business owners and other clients by supplying superior metals and high temperature alloys, including high temperature alloys. As seen above, we have a long list of high temperature metals available in round bar, though keep in mind; sheet is now available in all of our titanium grades.Best of all, our high temperature alloys are ready for immediate shipment; as soon as you place your order, we will prepare the delivery and likely send it out that day, or at the very worst, the next business day.

Our high temperature alloys are corrosion resistant, and they’re used by businesses in an array of industries; madankollu, if you need a different type of metal or alloy, be sure to browse our wide selection.

Eagle Alloys Corporation is an ISO Certified Corporation and has been supplying the highest quality High Temp Alloys for over 35 snin.

The following materials are available in round bar (Sheet is now available in all of our titanium grades). They are ready for immediate shipment.

If you have any general or specific questions regarding high temperature alloys, or would like to make an inquiry on a different metal or alloy, please do not hesitate to Ikkuntatjana illum.

Eagle Alloys High Temp Alloys Capabilities

Nikil 200
Nikil 270
Nikil 400
Nikil 405
Nickel K-500
Nikil 600
Nikil 625
Hi Mu 80 ®
Hiperco® 50
Super Invar®
Nickel 800H
Nikil 800
Liga 42
Nikil 825
Titanium Medical Grades
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Ligi ta 'Temp Għoli

Medical Grade Titanium Suppliers – Grades of 6AL-4V & 6AL-4V ELI

Titanium is commonly used for surgical implants such as knee & hip replacements, dental implants, Pins, bone plates, screws, spinal fusion cages piercings & prosthetics.

It is also use for medical instruments such as needles, suture instruments, surgical forceps, imqass, dental scalers, drills, laser electrodes and tweezers. These high temperature alloys are very diverse and titanium is a vital part of the manufacturing community.

Proprjetajiet & Applikazzjonijiet

High Temp Alloys Typical Applications

High Temp Alloys Specifications (fuq talba)

Titanium is widely used in the medical field because it is resistant to corrosion, has the ability to join to the human bone, is light in weight, strong and is bio-compatible.

Komuni Applikazzjonijiet għall-Industrija

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Ikkuntattja Eagle Alloys

Bla Ħlas: 800.237.9012
Lokali: 423.586.8738
Fax: 423.586.7456


Kwartieri Ġenerali tal-Kumpanija:
178 West Park Court
Talbott, TN 37877

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